Nominations 2017

Laurel GMFA

Nominations Global Mobile Film Awards 2017

Official Winners GMFA 2017

Winners were announced during the Awards Ceremony online show took place online December 10th at 6PM (PST).

Judges for 2017 Global Mobile Film Awards™

Penny Styles.jpg
Penny Styles

Penny Styles – Producer and Line Producer

After working for the London Stock Exchange and Merchant Bankers, NM Rothschild & Sons; Penny Styles began her film and television career in London working with cross-platform advertising & marketing. Then, a move to the US, perfectly coupled her financial and creative background into Producing Film and Television. Thirty years later, she is an award winning Producer & Line Producer, who has worked on over 25 Feature Film and TV shows in Tennessee, Florida and California including Disney, CMT & Discovery. Adept and comfortable in all production genres, she develops budgets ranging from Micro upward to $56 mil.

Penny has also received multiple Film Festival, Addy and Industry awards. She is most proud of her community involvement, garnering a ‘Movie Production Award’ from the California State Senate, California Legislature Assembly, and a ‘Service to the Community Through Film Production’ Special Congressional Award from the United States Congress. The African American Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce recognized with her a ‘Contribution to the Community’ award for hiring a majority of African-American actors for the movie, ‘Reunion’.

Penny moved from LA to Nashville in January of 2015, has worked non-stop as a producer and is in development for three television series and two motion pictures to be shot primarily in Tennessee.

She was recently elected Vice-President of the Media, Entertainment & Technology Alliance (META), a Tennessee non-profit Business Alliance serving businesses that operate in the creative economy.

Dave DBorde GMFA Judge 2017
Dave DeBorde

Dave DeBorde – Award-Winning Filmmaker

Dave DeBorde is an award-winning filmmaker whose experience in the industry is long and varied. DeBorde learned his producing skills on a feature film starring Jim Caviezel (Passion of the Christ, Count of Monty Cristo) working as producer with legendary Hollywood producer, William S. Gilmore (Jaws, A Few Good Men). The lessons learned on that feature film put him in a position to earn his stripes in 2001’ as one of the producers of The Least of These a 35mm short that won numerous awards, including a Crystal Heart from the Heartland Film Festival and a CINE Special Jury Award. DeBorde, producer on the romantic feature, Old Fashioned, which enjoyed a theatrical release for Valentine’s Day 2015’ and won multiple awards after its initial festival run. Old Fashioned was hailed as a “bonafide indie hit” after it broke a box office record on its 1st weekend in release, and later ranked as the #1 Romantic DVD in the country, beating out major Hollywood releases in the same category. In June of 2012’, DeBorde directed the feature film romantic comedy, Marriage Material, which stars Victoria Jackson (SNL alum) and Maddy Curley (Stick It).

Always expanding the borders of his professional experience, Dave was hired as the showrunner for the brand new reality TV show, Soccer Moms of Tampa Bay, which is slated to broadcast regionally on network affiliates during primetime on Saturdays and is in negotiations for international distribution as a result of the world-wide thirst for Soccer themed TV programming. Dave has been hired to write and produce a multinational Romantic Comedy currently titled, Matryoshka, which will film in both America and in Russia, with a concentration on St. Petersburg and Moscow. Not satisfied with only one writing project, DeBorde has also joined the Sewanee Ironmen of 1899’ team as writer and producer. The Sewanee film chronicles the extraordinary David vs. Goliath tale of when Sewanee, a tiny school in the mountains of Tennessee, went on a 6-day, 2,500 mile trip and beat 5 of the biggest schools in the country! Dave also created the popular educational tracks for the Sunscreen film festival, which was rated by MovieMaker magazine as one of the world’s top 25 most attractive film festivals because of the educational tracks. Those Sunscreen classes, workshops and special events have featured: John Travolta (actor, Pulp Fiction), Bill Cobb (actor, Night at the Museum), Tim Sexton (writer, Children of Men), John Jackson (casting director, Sideways), Sean Covel (producer, Napoleon Dynamite), Ralph Winter (producer, Wolverine), Dean Batali (writer/producer, That 70’s Show) and several other notable industry celebrities and professionals. When DeBorde isn’t making films, he is working on the educational side of filmmaking, teaching Film Production at Lipscomb University. DeBorde, is a popular lecturer on the subject of screenwriting and filmmaking and is sought after by universities and book publishers on both coasts. One thing DeBorde is even more passionate about than teaching movie making, is his wife, four energetic kids, and, his dog, a boxer named Tyson!

Nominations by International Mobile Film Festival in San Diego, California 2017
Best FilmFigment / Directed by Mithran Maharajan (iPhone 6)
Best DirectorHow I Became A Movie Theatre Murderer / Aris Tyros (iPhone 6s)
Best DocumentaryGood Day To Die / Directed by Adrian Jeffs (iPhone 6 Plus)
Best DirectorDingleberry / Mickey Harrison (iPhone 6s)
Best ExperimentalNo Budget / Directed by Chris Stollery (iPhone 4s)

Nominations by SF3 SmartFone Flick Fest in Sydney, Australia 2017
Best Film – Rearview  / by Ren Thackham (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge)
Best Film — The Player / by Jared Press (iPhone 6s Plus)
Best Film — The Good Profile / by Anthony Faye (iPhone 6)
Best Director – Hold The Pineapple / by Ben Wilding (iPhone 6s Plus)
Best Director — Behind Closed Doors / by Callum Pritchard (iPhone 7 Plus)
Best Cinematography — Dissolution / by Blake Worrell (iPhone 6s)
Best Experimental – Asphyxia / Raphael Keric (iPhone 6)
Best Documentary – Space Van Man / Directed by Kara Haarburger with Swinburne University of Technology students (iPhone 5 and iPhone 6)

*Nominations are submitted by Member Film Festivals and Filmmakers who win official awards in member and non-member film festivals. Member film festivals have sole discretion on their award-winning films which they choose to nominate. (More Info)